My Holy Grail, Electronic WCW Monday Nitro Arena Found

Everyone has that one piece that is missing from their personal collection. You might have seen it once or twice in the wild or maybe it’s overpriced… For me that was the Electronic WCW Monday Nitro Arena from ToyBiz.

I got this wrestling ring for Christmas back in 2001, if I recall correctly. I remember using it as my main ring for my BCA figs. I just loved the whole look to the stage and if you had a Sting figure you could lower him in the ring.

Like some things from childhood they just disappear, sold at an yard sale, or thrown away. I have no idea what happened to my original ring.

When I started to seriously collect some of my favorite childhood wrestling merch the WCW Monday Nitro Arena was on the top of my list. And when I came searching the price everyone wanted for a complete in box was around $300-$400 and an incomplete or loose ring juggled in price from $100-$150 those online prices was to pricy for me and I didn’t want to hunt around trying to complete it.

While going through my saved searches on eBay and buying WWF Hasbro figs I came across a listing for the Nitro Arena – complete in box for under $200 and I couldn’t pass this opportunity up to have this ring in my collection.

Three weeks later… Thanks to the doofus taking his time shipping it out, I can now put this white whale to rest.

As the listing said, it’s complete in box. The box itself has minor damage but I’m fine with that and it did come with every piece. I’m so happy to have this wrestling ring in my collection, it brings back so many fun memories when I used to play with my figs in the living room.

With all that being said, checkout my unboxing…

2 thoughts on “My Holy Grail, Electronic WCW Monday Nitro Arena Found”

  1. Very awesome! I’m trying to save up money now to purchase the same arena. Had it as a kid and wish I had saved it.

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