Category Archives: Marvel

Avengers: EndGame (Review)

Yes people, there will be spoilers. Duh!

After seeing Avengers: EndGame twice in one day I can say I’m ready for a third viewing. EndGame was filled with so much emotion. The death of Black Widow and Tony Stark… I knew someone was going to be sacrificed when Widow and Ronin went to retrieve Soul stone. But death aside, Captain America was the MVP of EndGame. Between his mirror match, being worthy, and squaring off with Thanos I can watch those scenes all day long. His ending and passing the shield to Sam was perfect. One expectation I was waiting on was seeing Pepper Potts suit up and become Rescue. I always enjoyed her in the comics when she put that suit of armor on.

The battle at the end when all the portals opened would have been a great opportunity for Wolverine to walk out and fight alongside the Avengers. One scene that hit me right in the feels was Thor speaking to his mother, if I had one more chance to speak to mine, I would… Oh! and overweight Thor, I’m down with that. Because I got myself a Thor body as well. Karen Gillan got a bigger part for starring in EndGame and I’m proud of her, she cut her teeth in Doctor Who and babyface Nebula is fine by me.

So, do you think Disney will rerelease all the MCU movies with a new edit and edit in all the time travel scenes into said films? They better be loaded with complete new extras or commentaries because I’m not buying these movies again.

Captain Marvel was good I’m glad she didn’t get much screen time. Opening and ending was about right for her. And with Brie Larson getting heat for her comments, might not be long before she’s dropped from the MCU… At one time it was rumored that Katherine Langford (13 Reasons Why) was going to have a role in EndGame, I was hyped for that news and thought she was going to be in it until I didn’t see her in the film. Looked it and come to find out it was a rumor.

Out of the whole MCU Civil War is my number one and EndGame came close to knocking it off. I love the airport scene in Civil War and the battle in EndGame rivals it, but I been waiting on Stark-Rogers to fight ever since I read Civil War years ago and that’s why it’s still holds up to me. Call it a emotional attachment, nostalgia, call it whatever you want. Woo! Nothing can touch that airport clash of heroes.

I been hearing people complaining about how there wasn’t a mid or end credits scene. The story is over people, this ten-eleven year story had a conclusion and there shouldn’t be a scene to setup something new. You’ll get your post credit scene in Spider-Man: Far From Home… maybe. Just enjoy the movie for what it is.

With all that being said! I enjoyed every minute of the movie and hope in the future I can see these characters again in a supporting role when it’s time for the New Avengers to take the spotlight… It all started with me sitting in a theater in 2008 watching Iron Man and ending it the same way I started, sitting in a theater. Massive.

Breaking Down 10 Years of the MCU EndGame

As of writing this Avengers: EndGame hasn’t come out yet but I do have a few theories, if you will… Copy and Paste writers have said, someone will die in EndGame some say Stark and others say Captain America. If Stark didn’t die in Infinity War he’s not going anywhere. As for Capt. I do like the theory of him going back to his own timeline. Maybe then we can see a sequel to The First Avenger, but! I still want that Bucky-Capt team up movie. I’m guessing Thanos will be facing off against Captain Marvel, should be a good fight but I hope the prelude has the Avengers we know and love take on Thanos one more time before Captain Marvel jumps in to save the day.

I know that time travel will be a big part of EndGame but I don’t know what for. Are they going back to stop Thanos before getting any Infinity Stones or going back to get their fallen friends to help defeat Thanos and army? So many questions… Also I hope Deadpool isn’t in this film, Deadpool fans are like CM Punk fans, take that as you will. Hugh Jackman has said he’s done with Wolverine but I don’t think he is maybe just maybe he finds a way into EndGame.

Also, if Marvel wants to reboot the MCU Civil War II would be the perfect story. Make Carol Danvers heel. Hawkeye kills the Hulk, Captain America could be working for Hydra and Stark trying to keep everyone together… And Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is worth watching, sure the first couple seasons are rough but season three is where it gets good.

There you have it 10 Years of the MCU through my eyes. Now I’ll leave you with my Top Five MCU films.

  • 5. The Incredible Hulk
  • 4. Iron Man 3
  • 3. Thor: The Dark World
  • 2. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • 1. Captain America: Civil War
  • Breaking Down 10 Years of the MCU Phase Three

    When I’m ask what is my favorite MCU movie I always say, Captain America: Civil War. The Civil War storyline I hold in high regards because when I got back into reading comics I was thrown into the Civil War story and loved everything about it. Captain America vs Iron Man on the big screen was like WrestleMania. And out of every MCU film Civil War feels like a comic book come to life.

    I was surprised how much I liked Doctor Strange the character was portrayed very well and kept to the comic material… Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was a disappointment and didn’t hold up to the first film. The film had Kurt Russell in it and it was still bad. I don’t have high hopes for Volume 3.

    Send the hate mail to Wolford because I hated Spider-Man: Homecoming… I think Tom Holland is a bit to young to play the Web Slinger. Sure not rehashing the Uncle Ben story was a nice change but I’m a Andrew Garfield guy. His appearance in Civil War was good, like Ant-Man put him with a team of heroes and I’m fine with it.

    Thor: Ragnarok has grown on me over time, my first thought was it’s cartoonish but I grew to like it after each viewing. Comedy Thor is a good change, if you will.

    I skipped Black Panther completely. I was told how good it was and I needed to see it but it was just another filler movie for me. But I did finally buy the Blu and it’s a solid film, lots of action and fight scenes. Some say it’s the live action Lion King but I digress.

    Avengers: Infinity War… The only film I’ve seen sitting in the front row of a theater because every other seat was nWo Sold Out! Being that close I’ve missed a lot of stuff, after a while your neck starts to hurt looking up so much. But after buying the Blu it was an okay Avengers film, I could’ve done without all the Gamora backstory but Red Skull came back, that was Massive!

    Ant-Man and the Wasp, no thanks. And now that leads me to Captain Marvel or as I said when buying the tickets, one for Ms. Marvel please. This film was set in the nineties it was kinda overkill. Don’t get me wrong hearing Nirvana on the screen got my pumped, but that NIN shirt kinda cringey. Captain Marvel was okay, would I see it again? Not for a very long time. It had decent action and humor. But I didn’t take anything away from seeing it. And having the Skrull army being a babyface killed any chance of a Secret Invasion movie. From what I can remember both Kree and Skrull are heels.

    So… If you made it this far I’m not done yet.

    Breaking Down 10 Years of the MCU Phase Two

    Iron Man 3 my favorite of the sequels. Mainly because the Mandarin, sure he didn’t turn out to be the villain I wanted towards the end but first half of the film was really good and we got a Pepper Potts in a iron suit, can you say Rescue? Thor: The Dark World was a fantastic follow up, finally Thor vs creature monsters and evil elf’s. When I think of a Thor movie this is what I want from a Thor movie.

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier is probably on everyone’s top five MCU movie list but not mine… Don’t get me wrong it’s a great movie but not a great comic book movie. It’s a spy thriller simple as that… Guardians of the Galaxy was a fun movie, but Batista was in it. See, I have this thing about wrestlers in movies where they’re not portraying a wrestler. I still think The Rock isn’t all that good at acting. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was good but you know he was the star in DOOM right? And those Fast movies are all out of wack.

    Now we get to the least fan favorite MCU film and one of my top fives, Avengers: Age of Ultron. The opening scene is fantastic! That splash page shot when everyone is in the air posing how can you not get hyped for what’s about to come. It’s been said Joss Whedon had his reins pulled in and didn’t make the movie he wanted. I don’t see it, every time I watch AOU it’s solid. I wouldn’t change a thing but if I had to nitpick, make Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch mutants and have that Children of the Atom story playing in the background.

    As I stated in my Phase One review Ant-Man was just a filler movie, I didn’t enjoy it all that much. I like Scott Lang but in a group setting, by himself he has no one to feed off of.

    Breaking Down 10 Years of the MCU Phase One

    This isn’t a breakdown of every MCU film in a traditional way but how I saw each film and what I think about them…

    In 2008 I was sitting in a theater watching Iron Man thinking this is like every other comic book movie I’ve seen like Spider-Man or X-Men. Iron Man wasn’t bad but it’s been years since I’ve rewatched it. That same year The Incredible Hulk was released before hand I read the novelization and I loved it but the scenes I read and loved wasn’t in the film but I gave it a pass because Louis Leterrier did the character right and is probably the only best Hulk film I will ever get. HULK (2003) is a dumpster fire.

    Iron Man 2 is my least favorite MCU movie that’s not named Ant-Man, or Ant-Man and the Wasp because those are just filler. But I like Paul Rudd but in a group setting.

    Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger I waited for the Blu-Ray to drop. Thor is an odd film, it’s very slow to me. It didn’t get good until the fight with the the Destroyer. It’s like the film is playing in reverse. With The First Avenger I was really really hesitant because I know Chris Evans from Fantastic Four, he was the Human Torch. You can’t play two superheroes! But was I wrong. The First Avenger is where I started to think if Marvel keeps this up nothing can stop them. Evans is and always will be Steve Rogers / Captain America to me.

    Avengers… or as some people call it Marvel’s Avengers. Seeing all these characters together on a big screen was a event and didn’t disappoint. I saw it in theaters twice. I thought the story was good having Loki being the villain and I’m down having Hawkeye being brainwashed… My only problem with Avengers came from the marketing because I probably seen the trailer play after every other commercial. Marvel wanted to make sure you knew this film was coming out.

    The Midnight Drive-In: Captain America & Strike Commando

    This week we’re taking a look at the work of Noah’s first love . . . Reb Brown. First up is his Rambo II inspired rip off Strike Commando. After that he plays a chilled out Steve Rogers who dons the red, white, and blue in Captain America. We also talk about Liam Neeson’s current state of mind, Shakma, and the importance of Mr. Rogers.

    Spider-man: Far From Home Trailer

    When I went and saw Avengers Infinity War in the theater I remember hearing someone crying when Spider-Man gets turned to dust. While the scene between him and Tony Stark is touching, knowing that there was a new Spider-Man movie coming out kind of nullified any sadness for me.

    Now we get to see what Peter Parker is going to be up to once Avengers Endgame rolls its credits. Looks like an overseas class trip is in order. We finally get to see Nick Fury recruit Spider-Man and most importantly we get Mysterio. While it’s not the Bruce Campbell Mysterio we all kind of wanted during the original Spider-Man trilogy this version still looks pretty cool to me. Check out the trailer below.

    Let’s Talk Avengers: Endgame

    This morning I saw on Facebook that the first trailer for Avengers: Endgame got dropped. After a few viewing throughout the day here’s what I have to say.

    I’m liking what I saw… To me it felt like Avengers: AoU because how bleak it was. Stark talking about dying floating in space, I can see him getting Rescue[d]. Capt. is clean shaven and is worried about the future and I got all electrified when he gave his “Not sure what to do if it doesn’t work” speech. A down and out Steve Rogers fighting to survive, it can get nasty.

    Hawkeye or Ronin both good characters in the comics. I don’t mind the costume change. Barton slice and dicing probably mad his family disappeared in the snap.

    So! GOTG wasn’t highlighted much in the trailer and no tears over that. Scott Lang returns, how nice. Hopefully we find out how he excepted the Quantum Realm.

    Thor, Banner not much to them in the trailer I hope A:EG isn’t focused on Thor like the last film. And! If you seen the set photos and the dirt sheets talking about time travel, not a fan. Don’t want to relive Marvel’s Avengers all over again. Could come out as a What If? story.

    So what do you think of the trailer, comment below with your fan theories or fantasy bookings. Massive!

    Living the #FigLife Marvel Legends: The Thing

    Some are calling The Thing figure of the year and I have no argument about that… Late yesterday I noticed everyone on The Syndicate posting that Walgreens have released their exclusive Marvel Legends The Thing and Magik. And since then everyone have been toy hunting, even myself. I checked two Walgreens and the second time around I found what I was looking for.

    The Thing is a heavy figure, not as heavy as a Hulkbuster but you can probably break a car window with Ben Grimm. The Thing comes with alternate hands and head. So you get two open hands and two fist. The heads one is showing teeth and other doesn’t. The articulation is good and it’s easy to swop parts.

    I know I just a top five review but if I The Thing at the time I wrote that it would’ve made the list. So go out and get your today!

    Living the #FigLife Top Five Marvel Legends… Again

    Since writing the first Top Five so many great figures have been released and toy hunting has been so much fun. My greatest finds came from Geek’d Con this year with the Toys R Us exclusive Scarlet Witch & Vision two-pack, and purple haired Psylocke because at the time that wave of figures hadn’t made it to my area… Now to my top five!


    This figure brings me back to the 90’s and the X-Men cartoon from FOX Kids. The face sculpt is spot on and if you put him next to Old Man Logan in a fighting stance he just towers over Logan.

    Thor (Ragnarok)

    I been wanting to get a Thor figure for some time now but none of them did it for me until I saw the Ragnarok version. The detail on the armer is very good. He is kinda back heavy because of the half cape but once you get him standing he’s not going anywhere.

    Proxima Midnight

    When this figure was first released I passed on it but after watching Infinity War a few times over she grew on me. And the hunt was on and thankfully Target had her. She’s taller than a majority of the other figures in my collection. She has some of the best articulation.


    Just one of the best looking figures. Comes with a lot of accessories even a Cletus Kasady head that is spot on comic accurate.

    Typhoid Mary

    When it was announced Typhoid Mary was being released this year I was hoping for that 80’s big hair look but we got the modern day leather jacket style. And I’m okay with that, I been wanting more DareDevil villains. And what the dirt sheets are reporting, we may see a live action Typhoid Mary in Iron Fist season two.

    If you collect Marvel Legends what are some of your favorite figures or complete waves? Sound off below in the comments.

    The Midnight Drive-In: A Bay Of Blood & Baron Blood

    This week we’re talking some Bava movies.  First up is the intricate slasher A Bay Of Blood.  After that we’re following it up with Bava’s back from the dead Baron Blood!  Also we chat about foods that shouldn’t be mixed together, The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs, Antman & The Wasp, and Noah tries to convince us that the Venom movie might be good.

    Living the #FigLife Top Five Marvel Legends Figures

    Since joining The Syndicate on facebook and seeing everyone’s Marvel Legends collection I had to get back into the action figure game that was not WWE related. I been buying Marvel figures since the 90’s when ToyBiz was making every Marvel character you can think of. I still have most of those figures today but in storage.

    What got me buying again was seeing the Marvel Legends Captain America (Infinity War) and Mr. Fantastic and once I got ahold of those figs, the hunt was on for more! Now to my top five…


    Before Hasbro, ToyBiz was making Marvel Legends and the Face-Off collection came at the right time for me because I was heavily reading Daredevil and when I saw the two-pack Kingpin vs Daredevil I knew I had to buy it. I’ve seen many Kingpin figs over the years and this one is perfect in every way.

    Human Torch

    I had many Human Torch figures growing up but none of them ever felt right when it came to comic book likeness. Some figs would be half human and half flams but with ML I think I found “my” Human Torch figure. The flame effects are minimal and just enough.


    Since Hawkeye made his debut in the MCU all I been seeing is MCU Jeremy Renner or sunglass wearing Hawkeye. I prefer the classic comic book version. The only drawback are the accessories, the bow he comes with and quiver is all purple. Wish it was better detailed and colored differently.

    Ghost Rider with Flame Cycle

    I’m not huge on Ghost Rider but this set is very cool looking. The flames coming off the bike, flaming chain, it all looks nice sitting on a shelf. The figure itself is basic but the head sculpt is nice with a jaw hinge for up and down movement, red eyes for the penance stare.

    The Punisher (Netflix)

    The spot on likeness of Jon Bernthal is absolutely amazing. The fading on the skull has nice details. Just a great looking figure overall.

    With almost every Marvel Legends figures you get a build a figure part to build another character. I have many parts but never actually built a figure. I just buy the figs I want and keep BAF parts in a box. If you are looking for parts, let me know and I’ll send a picture over of what I have. And when it comes to fantasy booking… I want to see a Dolph Lundgren Punisher from the 1989 movie, and a figure of Ravage 2099.

    So! What are your favorite Marvel Legends figures? Comment below.

    The Midnight Drive-In: Dr. Strange & Doctor Mordrid

    Since these comic book movies are all the rage we figured we would talk about some comic book related films.  First up is the 1978 TV movie Dr. Strange.  Lots of mustaches in this one.  After that it’s time for Full Moon’s Doctor Mordrid starring Jeffrey Combs.  Let’s face it it’s really just a Doctor Strange rip off.  But it does have a skeleton fight.  After all that we talk about Fargo, Lost In Space, Spider-Man 2, Puppet Master, Sub Species, Black Lightning, Death Race 2050, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Ruby, and the Roger Corman Fantastic Four.

    Geek Nerdery Podcast: Avengers Infinity War

    I’m joined by my cohosts from The Midnight Drive-In Doug and Noah to break down the culmination of 10 years of work from Marvel Studios Avengers Infinity War!  Did it live up to the hype?  Find out.  Also this review is very spoilery so we advise not listening without seeing the movie first.

    Deadpool 2 Gets A New Release Date

    It looks like Marvel’s Merc With A Mouth will be breaking the fourth wall a bit sooner than originally planned. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news Thursday of a not insignificant shake up for Fox’s summer lineup of Marvel properties.

    First up is The Merc With A Mouth, Deadpool, announcing that it will be moving UP its release date by two weeks, from June 1st back to May 18th. The new release date will set Deadpool 2 squarely in the middle of an already crowded month of serious box office draws with Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 hitting the screen on May fourth and Solo: A Star Wars Story dropping on May 25th.

    In a fairly shocking bit of news, The Channing Tatum lead Gambit has been pushed back from Feb. 14, 2019, to June 7, 2019. It was announced that in the light of Director Gore Vebinski’s recent exit from the long gestating X Flick this late in pre-production has sentscrambling to find a new director, realizing they are going to need a lot more time to turn in a decent movie.

    And last, but in my opinion, most upsetting, Josh Boone’s horror themed take on The New Mutant’s is being moved back a whopping 10 months from its scheduled April release. To many this looks as if there may be serious problems with the movie, however, insiders speculate it is to avoid Mutant overlap in overseas markets.

    Let us know what you think of these moves in the comments below.