Category Archives: Midnight Drive-In

Tuff Turf & Three O’Clock Hight

This week we’re taking a look at what it’s like to be the new kid in town. First up, James Spader runs afoul of a gang at his new school all because he likes the leader’s girlfriend in TUFF TURF. Then, a new bully arrives as Jerry Mitchell is having the worst day of his life. Now he has to fight him in THREE O’CLOCK HIGH.

The Dark Backward & Meet The Hollow Heads

Noah picked two weird and crazy movies this week. First up, the stoner from the breakfast club grows a third arm. Then Chet from weird Science tries to sell him out. Then Wayne Newton steps in during THE DARK BACKWARD. After that, we enter the craziest sitcom ever conceived in MEET THE HOLLOW HEADS.

The Fly II & The Vagrant

This episode we’re looking at two Chris Walas films. First up, Eric Stoltz shows us that you never get over someone killing your dog in THE FLY II. Then, Bill Paxton teaches us that protecting your real estate investments from the homeless is important in THE VAGRANT.

Halloween II Commentary

We sit down to talk through the sequel to probably the most famous slasher movie ever made. That’s right, we’re heading to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital to watch as Laurie stumbles around doped up on drugs through a hospital that is pretty empty while a skinnier Michael Myers kills some hapless nurses. Watch along as we wonder about the healthcare system in Haddonfield for Halloween II (1981).

The Spoiler Section – Get Away

As promised we are back to talk about all the fun things from our Coming Attractions episode about Get Away, to discuss all the spoilery bits we couldn’t talk about before the movie debuted. Hopefully you all had a chance to catch up on this great film and can listen along as we give our thoughts on how the film ended.

Coming Attractions – Replicator

For this Coming Attraction, we talk about the upcoming film Replicator. A young woman begins to notice that those around her are acting odd. She quickly finds that the reason is much more sinister than she could have imagined. 

Check out Replicator Digitally and in select theaters December 10th

Coming Attractions – Get Away

Welcome to our new mini-episodes, where we get to talk about upcoming movies you should seek out. For this installment, we’re talking about the film Get Away coming from IFC Films and Shudder in theaters on December 6th. 

A family takes a holiday on a remote island where there may be more going on than meets the eye. The film stars Nick Frost, Aisling Bea, Sebastian Croft, Maisie Ayres, and Eero Milonoff. Is it worth a trek out to the theaters? Find out.

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

It’s time to celebrate as only Americans know how. Observe a holiday about how we slaughtered native people and took their land, and then participate in capitalism by making people fight over stupid appliances and toys. First up, we head to Massachusetts to celebrate with a slasher on the loose in Eli Roth’s THANKSGIVING. Then, we line up for the best deals at Bruce Campbell’s toy store in BLACK FRIDAY.

The Game & Panic Room

We are rolling deep into some David Fincher movies this episode. First up, we get an invitation to some crazy stuff that maybe doesn’t make sense in THE GAME. Then, when thieves break into your house who are you going to call? Well, no one because they cut the phone lines but you can hide out in your PANIC ROOM.

Monster Squad & Kids vs. Aliens

For our final selection of spooky films for October we are checking out the trope of kids fighting monsters. First up, we take the test to see if Wolfman does in fact have nards in MONSTER SQUAD. Then, we try to stop an alien invasion in KIDS VS. ALIENS.

Wake In Fright & Road Games

For October we decided to check out some spooky movies but our first week didn’t quite hit the target. First up, we learn about gambling, drinking, and hunting kangaroos in WAKE IN FRIGHT. Then, we hop in a semi with Stacey Keach and his wonderful mustache in ROAD GAMES.

Too Wong Foo & The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert

After some internet outages, technical issues, and just straight tom foolery, Swayze September finally rolls to a close as we take a look at Swayze in drag! First up, Swayze, Snipes, and Leguizamo get all dressed up to spend time in a small town in TOO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, JULIE NEWMAR. Then, Hugo Weaving takes his friends Terrance Stamp and Guy Pierce on a trip across the desert to a drag show in THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT.

Black Dog & Convoy

For week 3 of Swayze September, we’re looking at trucking films. First, in BLACK DOG, Swayze reluctantly takes on a job transporting illegal weapons while thugs try to steal them from him. Then, in CONVOY, Kris Kristofferson leads a giant convoy against a corrupt sheriff.