Category Archives: Nintendo

Graveyard Duck Episode 39 – The NES in 1989

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1989.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 19 – Daze Before Christmas

Ho ho ho and all of that noise. It’s time to spend Christmas with your favorite Graveyard Duck. Grab a mug of egg nog and throw on another yule log, because it’s time to talk about Daze Before Christmas. What? You’ve never heard of it?

Neither had we…

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 18 – Bucky O’Hare

Time for another listener request and this time your hosts get introduced to a game that they are both relatively unfamiliar with. Find out whether Bucky O’Hare is worth the $100 price tag, or whether it’s just another TMNT ripoff.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 17 – Mega Man X

Well, we decided that we’re not quite ready to be done talking about Mega Man, so this week (by listener request) we jumping to the 16-bit era and discussing Mega Man X.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

The Midnight Drive-In: The Wizard & Little Monsters

You’re not going to believe this but we actually dive pretty deep into The Wizard and Little Monsters.  sure there is some nostalgia in there but we talk about the themes of loss, divorce, mental illness, and the love of siblings.  We weren’t expecting it either.  After that we chat about other stuff we watched like The Devil’s Candy, Summer Of Fear, The Babysitter, and 1922.

Graveyard Duck Episode 16 – Mega Man 2

Alright. I’ll be QUICK about this one. If I were you, I WOOD not miss this episode. Your hosts really HEAT up the AIR waves as we FLASH back to 1988 and talk about our favorite METAL hero in Mega Man 2. So CRASH on the couch and enjoy another classic episode from Graveyard Duck. (Oh, and Bubble Man.)

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 15 – Clock Tower

Turn off the lights and turn up the volume as your hosts Scott and Wes prove that they are not only retro gaming nerds, but horror nerds as well. This week, we discuss the Super Famicom atmospheric thriller, Clock Tower, while also share our thoughts on horror games in general.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 14 – Contra

Find a friend you trust and enter the 30 lives code, because it’s time to talk Contra. We tackle another listener request this week, and man is it a good one. Tune in and we promise to finally tell you what that stupid R gun does.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 13 – Wonder Boy & Adventure Island

Grab your grass skirt and skateboard because this week we’re talking about Wonder Boy and Adventure Island. Are you wondering why we’re talking about two games this week? Be sure to listen to find out how these two games are related.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 12 – Ultima: Exodus

Lord British demands your attention. To save the realm, you must download the latest episode where Scott and Wes discuss Ultima Exodus. Actually, nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but you should anyway. It’s a really good episode.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 11 – Actraiser

Time to pray for a miracle because this week Graveyard Duck is talking Actraiser for the Super NES. Will we get struck by lightning for being heathens, or will we be spared? Listen and find out.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 10 – Blaster Master

Check on your pet frog and hop in your tank. We’re talking Blaster Master on episode 10 this week. Join us as we once again head down memory lane as we discuss this classic gem.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 08 – Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos

Welcome back to another action packed episode of Graveyard Duck Podcast. This week we discuss the 1990 8-bit classic Ninja Gaiden II. Get your windmill throwing stars ready.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 06 – Dragon Warrior

This week we discuss what may have been for a lot of us our introduction to RPGs, Dragon Warrior. Wes and Scott are both big fans of this franchise, and it all began with this classic original.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Graveyard Duck Episode 05 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This week we discuss a one of the most notoriously difficult games on the NES, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It’s been nearly 30 years that’s Scott’s been trying to beat this game. Did he finally do it? Listen and find out.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

Geek Nerdery – Nintendo Switch

I’m joined by the guys from The Graveyard Duck Podcast to talk about the newest console from Nintendo the Nintendo Switch.  We go over what we initially thought of the console, some of the games we’ve played, and just the use of the switch in general.

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Graveyard Duck Episode 03 – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

This week we discuss one of the biggest games in retro gaming, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. We have some pretty fond memories of this one, and share those, plus several tips, tricks, and other trivia bits about the game.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at

A History Of The D-Pad

Most of my generation and younger can say with ease that we grew up with a video game controller welded to our hands, and as geeky as it is, the video game controller is a cultural icon now.

Youtuber The Gaming Historian gives a closer look at the history behind it. Check out the video below if you really want to get your geek on

Graveyard Duck Episode 02 – Wizards & Warriors

This week we take a look at the NES classic Wizards & Warriors. We share our memories of the game, discuss differences between the NES and Famicom versions, talk about the musical score, and as always, give you tips and tricks.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter (@duckgraveyard) and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at