Tag Archives: Nintendo

GRAVEYARD DUCK EPISODE 45 – Zombies ate my neighbors

Grab your weed eater and lock up the dog. This week we’re battling the undead in Zombies Ate My Neighbors for the Sega Genesis and SNES.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Instagram and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.


This week we conclude our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1993-1995.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Instagram and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 42 – The NES in 1992

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1992.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Instagram and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 41 – The NES in 1991

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1991 while discussing how much we miss rental stores.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Instagram and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 40 – The NES in 1990

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1990…and pizza coupons.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Instagram and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 39 – The NES in 1989

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1989.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 38 – The NES in 1988

This week we continue our chronological odyssey through the life of the NES with a look at some overlooked games from 1988.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 37 – The NES in 1987

What a difference a year makes. 1986 may have been a bit of a let down for the NES, but 1987 more than makes up for it. This week Scott and Wes discuss 1987 and what it meant for the NES while spotlighting a couple of our favorite, overlooked titles.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 36 – The NES in 1986

After an unexplained week off, we’re back, and this week we’re continuing to look at the life of the NES, one year at a time. This week, 1986.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

Graveyard Duck Episode 35 – The NES in 1985

This week we’re trying something a little different. Rather than spotlight a specific game, we’ve decided to spotlight an entire year. Scott and Wes take a look at 1985, and what that year held for the NES. We discuss the history and mention a few of the big titles of the year, but focus mainly on a couple of underrated and possibly overlooked titles.

Don’t forget to keep up with the show and relive all the nostalgia by following us on Twitter, Instagram,  and Facebook. Send us your memories or show suggestions at graveyardduckpodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to check out all of the great content from this show and other nerdy favorites at geeknerdery.com.

A Look Back – I Was a Toys R Us Kid

It’s being reported that all US Toys “R” Us stores are closing soon and it’s a shame. Toys “R” Us is every child’s dream, walking into a toy store finding that one action figure that you been searching for for weeks! If TRU didn’t have it no one did.


I’m still lucky enough to have my childhood TRU still open. I haven’t been in there in three years but I do have fond memories. I picked up the first Iron Man movie figure back in 2008 and one of my last times I went to TRU was in search for WWE Classic Superstars Series, Ted DiBiase. Didn’t find him but eventually ordered him online.

Speaking of ordering online, that’s one reason TRU is going under. Big box retails can’t compete with Amazon, or eBay. And I’m guilty like everyone else. Sure you may go look at Wal*Mart or Target for something but you failed to find it just order it online, it’s much easier picking up a package at a post office than dealing with dummies at a store.

One childhood memory that always stuck with me was when my mom, grandmother and I made a trip to TRU looking for Beetlejuice for NES. As I stood there looking through the glass searching for Beetlejuice I didn’t see it. I was told to get any other game I wanted but my heart was on Beetlejuice, I made the decision to leave empty handed. To this day Beetlejuice for the NES I’m still chasing in the wild.

The one thing about my TRU is, I don’t remember Geoffrey Dollars. I saw them advanced on Tv and in the Sunday paper but never at the store itself.

What I did see every time I walked into Toys “R” Us was their mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe. He was always giving out hugs and high-fives. Nowadays he’s probably Too Sweeting people. But I digress. My experiences at Toys “R” Us has always been good, I hate to see them go out of business.

A History Of The D-Pad

Most of my generation and younger can say with ease that we grew up with a video game controller welded to our hands, and as geeky as it is, the video game controller is a cultural icon now.

Youtuber The Gaming Historian gives a closer look at the history behind it. Check out the video below if you really want to get your geek on

Review: Garfield Kart (Nintendo 3DS)

I was hoping this game was going to be a Mario Kart clone, well it kinda is because of the racing and all but other than that Garfield Kart is a bad game in general. The controls are loose and clunky and needed to be tighten up. There are only sixteen tracks and they all are about the same. On the plus side you do have a cast of characters from the Garfield universe like Jon, Liz, Arlene and even Pooky. 

The music in the game is repetitive and gets old fast and the power ups don’t work half the time because if you don’t read the digital manual you won’t know what they do. For example, lasagna will make you go faster and a spring will make you jump a few feet ahead.

I dropped thirty bones on this game and after three hours of game play I have beaten every challenge and there isn’t any online multiplayer to keep me coming back. Don’t even bother dropping cash on Garfield Kart, get Mario Kart instead.