Tag Archives: WWF

Living the #FigLife Top 5 WWF Hasbro Figures

The WWF Hasbro line are classics! So many figures with action packed moves, what can go wrong? Other than half my figures got broke over the years of play and a bit of yellowing years later. But let’s look back at my top five!

5. Jake The Snake Roberts (Blue Card – Python Punch) What made this fig cool was his punching action, pull back and let it fly.

4. Lex Luger (Red Card – Narcissistic Action) I found this figure at a yard sale years after Hasbro stop producing WWF figures. I bought it just to add it to my collection. It’s always fun finding wrestling figures in the wild.

3. Brutus Beefcake (Blue Card – Sleeper Hold) This style Hasbro isn’t very popular with the jumping action. But I didn’t mind it, Beefcake was colorful in my eyes with pink, black and white paint job he stood out.

2. Andre The Giant (Blue Card – Giant Jolt) My first Hasbro figure I remember getting, Andra toward over all the other figs and his arms made it easy to tie him in the top and middle ring ropes.

1. Randy Savage (Blue Card – Elbow Smash) One of the hardest figures to find around town. I remember going store to store looking for Savage and didn’t have any luck until I found him in my local mall and the rest was history. Savage won majority of my fantasy booking matches.

The only figure I wish I had was Bret Hart since he is my favorite wrestler. As for the WWE Mattel Retro figs, I’m not collecting. They look cool but not for me.