TLH Episode 20 – Frozen and We Are Still Here

Grab a blanket and some hot chocolate. This week we are discussing a couple winter horror films. Despite some major technical issues during recording, we managed to actually record few thoughts on Frozen (2010) and We Are Still Here (2015).

We had a lot of fan mail this week, as well as some updates on our ongoing contest. Be sure to listen for the update.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes, Stitcher, and YouTube.

TLH Episode 19 – Alleluia and Cub

This week we’ve decided to look back at 2015 and take in a couple of films that managed to get past us this year with (coincidentally) a couple of Belgian films; Alleluia and Cub [spoilers for Cub end at 1:34:12].

We were light on feedback this week, so after the break, we had some time to discuss a new way to listen to TLH each week, announce a new contest, and get into some spoiler talk for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes, Stitcher, and YouTube.

TLH Episode 18 – Rare Exports and Sint

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas from from the TLH family. This week on our holiday spectacular we bring you zombie Santas from the Netherlands in Sint and old naked Santas from Finland with Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale.

After the break, we take in some listener mail, and discuss some non horror nerdery, including spoiler free Star Wars talk and the state of X-Men films.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes and on Stitcher.

TLH Episode 17 – Critters and Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies go to College

This week while discussing some Gremlins rip offs, Scott is put in time out until further notice for his pick of Ghoulies go to College, and Doug assures us that Critters has less rape than The Last House on the Left.

After some listener feedback, we take a few minutes to discuss the new theatrical hit, Krampus.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes and on Stitcher

TLH Episode 16 – Black Mirror: Season 2

Just two weeks after covering season 1, we have decided to check out Black Mirror season 2 as well. After a lengthy and rather heady discussion, Scott admits that his brain is too tiny and too American to fully grasp everything that’s going on in these episodes.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes and on Stitcher.

TLH Episode 15 – Black Sheep and Isolation

This week we are heading down to farm for some killer farm animal themed horror flicks. After discussing Scott’s unnatural discomfort with farm animals in general, we break down Black Sheep (2006) and Isolation (2005).

After the break and a bit of listener feedback, we share a few brief thoughts on Found (2012) and The Harvest (2013).

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes and on Stitcher.

TLH Episode 14 – Black Mirror: Season 1

This week your hosts are going with another listener suggested theme. There have been several requests for television horror, and more specifically British television, so this week’s topic is the 2011 premier season of Black Mirror.

There was no listener feedback this week, so after the break, your hosts briefly discuss their thoughts on the upcoming holiday horror film, Krampus.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 13 – The Shrine and Wake Wood

After three months of asking for episode suggestions from listeners, we’ve finally come through. This week we take a look at a couple of folk horror movies, both from 2010. First up is the Irish production, Wake Wood followed by Jon Knautz’s, The Shrine.

After the break we listen to some listener voicemails and emails, and discuss some additional theories about last weeks controversial topic, Session 9. Spoiler alert, it still doesn’t make sense.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 12 – Session 9 and The Ward

Sometimes you just have to give a movie a second chance, and that’s
the theme of this week’s episode. Scott and Doug each sit down for
second viewing of a film that, upon first viewing, they disliked. Doug’s
pick this week was John Carpenter’s alleged return to horror, The Ward (2010) [spoilers throughout] while Scott went with a more controversial film, Session 9 (2001) [spoilers end at 1:36:27].

We were light on feedback this week, but we do take some time to introduce a few new features we’ve added to the website and tell you how you can own your very own TLH beer koozie.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 11 – Ex Machina and Snowpiercer

This week on the show we have decided to take a break from the traditional format and focus the spotlight on Doug. Rather than picking a theme for the week, we’ve given Doug a chance to work through his DVD to-do pile and allowed him total control of both movie choices. His picks ended up being Ex Machina (2015) [spoilers from 45:45-56:15] and Snowpiercer (2013) [spoilers end at 1:30:43].

After the break, we read off some fan mail, try to sell some limited edition TLH merchandise, and discuss an opportunity for you the listener to be part of the TLH family.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 10 – The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror

Welcome to a very special Halloween edition of The Last Horrorcast. This week we take a break from the traditional format of reviewing films and take a look at a few episodes of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror. We discuss episodes VIII (The Homega Man, Fly vs. Fly and Easy Bake Coven), XVII (Married to the Blob, You Gotta Know When to Golem and The Day the Earth Looked Stupid) and XXVI (Wanted: Dead, Then Alive, Homerzilla and Telepaths of Glory).

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 9 – Bride of Chucky and Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed

This week Doug and Scott discuss a couple of their favorite franchise sequels that they feel didn’t receive the recognition they deserved. Doug begins with a look back at Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004) [spoilers from 36:54-53:10] followed by Scott’s enthusiastic review of Bride of Chucky (1998).

After a short break, we cover off some listener feedback, and discuss plans for our upcoming special Halloween episode.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 8 – Sleep Tight and The Nightmare

Grab some coffee or caffeine pills and join us as we discuss sleep related horror films this week. After a brief discussion about Canadian Football and the global appeal of potato chips, we take a look at Scott’s pick for the week Sleep Tight (2011) followed by Doug’s pick of the recent documentary, The Nightmare (2015). [Spoiler alert for Sleep Tight from 42:45-58:22.]

After the break, we listen to some listener feedback, give away a copy of Bait 3D, and once again solicit the listeners, this time for help with a very special upcoming show idea.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 7 – Empire of the Ants and Them!

Hide your sugar, because this week on The Last Horrorcast we are tackling some Giant Ant films. First up is Doug’s pick, Empire of the Ants (1977) followed by Scott’s pick of the classic, Them! (1954).

After the break, we listen to some listener feedback, hear some great new show topic ideas, and tell you how you could win a free copy of Bait 3D!

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 6 – Pinocchio’s Revenge and Snow White: A Tale of Terror

Welcome once again to The Last Horrorcast. This week we take a look at some horrific film adaptations of some classic fairy tales. First up is Doug’s pick, Pinocchio’s Revenge (1996) followed by Scott’s pick of Snow White: A Tale of Terror (1997).

Stick around after the break to hear Scott’s opinions on Sinister 2 and to learn how you could win a free copy of Bait 3D!

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 5 – Alien Raiders and Bait

Once again, your hosts Scott and Doug dig up an off beat horror topic and explore films that use grocery stores as a setting. Doug kicks things off with his pick Alien Raiders (2008) after which Scott describes the 3-D shark fest, Bait (2012).

After the break, we give the listeners a chance to chime in with some fan mail and feedback before wrapping the show with an invitation to catch a few horror films at the drive-in.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 4 – Holy Ghost People and Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene

This week on the show we tackle a slightly more mainstream horror theme than we’re used to. Today we are talking about cults. After discussing cults and their use as a horror sub-genre, we dive into our main feature. First is a rather decisive pick by Scott, Holy Ghost People (2013) [spoilers from 31:20-46:08] followed by Doug’s pick of Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene (2011) [spoilers from 1:10:30-1:17:50].

After the break, we discuss an off topic film that we both had an opportunity to check out, M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit. Be sure to stick around until the end of the episode to hear how you could have an opportunity to watch a couple horror films live with one of the hosts of the show. (Spoiler alert, it’s not Doug.)

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 3 – Splinter and The Vanishing

This week on The Last Horrorcast, we bring you yet another off beat horror topic. We explore horror films that use gas stations as a backdrop. We not only give a few thoughts on why such a concept works, but we also dig deep into two films that utilize this setting. First up is Splinter (2008) followed by The Vanishing [aka Spoorloos] (1988). [Spoilers from 1:04:30 – 1:08:30]

Be sure to stick around for the end of the show, where we reveal the winner of last episode’s contest giveaway.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 2 – Exists and Willow Creek

This week on The Last Horrorcast, your hosts Doug and Scott delve into the world of Bigfoot! They discuss some general “facts” and legends about bigfoot, as well as review a couple of found footage bigfoot films. First up is Willow Creek (2013) [spoilers from 29:56 to 36:36] followed by Exists (2014). In addition, they authoritatively determine once and for all whether bigfoot is real or not.

The show wraps up with a contest giveaway, so be sure to listen to see how you can enter to win.

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 1 – Chopping Mall and Moontrap

Welcome to episode #1 of The Last Horrorcast! Thank you for your support. Each week, your hosts Scott and Doug bring you an in-depth discussion on two films from a chosen theme, as well as reviews and commentary on other horror related goodness.

This week we tackle Killer Robots from the 1980s as we discuss Chopping Mall (1986) and Moontrap (1989).

As always, we welcome feedback at and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 206-600-9711. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.