When I’m ask what is my favorite MCU movie I always say, Captain America: Civil War. The Civil War storyline I hold in high regards because when I got back into reading comics I was thrown into the Civil War story and loved everything about it. Captain America vs Iron Man on the big screen was like WrestleMania. And out of every MCU film Civil War feels like a comic book come to life.
I was surprised how much I liked Doctor Strange the character was portrayed very well and kept to the comic material… Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was a disappointment and didn’t hold up to the first film. The film had Kurt Russell in it and it was still bad. I don’t have high hopes for Volume 3.
Send the hate mail to Wolford because I hated Spider-Man: Homecoming… I think Tom Holland is a bit to young to play the Web Slinger. Sure not rehashing the Uncle Ben story was a nice change but I’m a Andrew Garfield guy. His appearance in Civil War was good, like Ant-Man put him with a team of heroes and I’m fine with it.
Thor: Ragnarok has grown on me over time, my first thought was it’s cartoonish but I grew to like it after each viewing. Comedy Thor is a good change, if you will.
I skipped Black Panther completely. I was told how good it was and I needed to see it but it was just another filler movie for me. But I did finally buy the Blu and it’s a solid film, lots of action and fight scenes. Some say it’s the live action Lion King but I digress.
Avengers: Infinity War… The only film I’ve seen sitting in the front row of a theater because every other seat was nWo Sold Out! Being that close I’ve missed a lot of stuff, after a while your neck starts to hurt looking up so much. But after buying the Blu it was an okay Avengers film, I could’ve done without all the Gamora backstory but Red Skull came back, that was Massive!
Ant-Man and the Wasp, no thanks. And now that leads me to Captain Marvel or as I said when buying the tickets, one for Ms. Marvel please. This film was set in the nineties it was kinda overkill. Don’t get me wrong hearing Nirvana on the screen got my pumped, but that NIN shirt kinda cringey. Captain Marvel was okay, would I see it again? Not for a very long time. It had decent action and humor. But I didn’t take anything away from seeing it. And having the Skrull army being a babyface killed any chance of a Secret Invasion movie. From what I can remember both Kree and Skrull are heels.
So… If you made it this far I’m not done yet.