Tag Archives: carrie fisher

Carrie Fisher Tribute Video Debuts At Star Wars 40th Annversary Panel

The Star Wars 40th Anniversary celebration is currently underway at Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Of course no celebration happening this year would be complete without giving tribute to the Princess that lead the Rebellion against the Empire. Check out the tribute to Carrie Fisher below, and you should get some tissue ready, because, you know, the feels…

Following the tribute, composer John Williams lead a live orchestra in a performance of Princess Leia’s Theme.

Carrie Fisher To Appear In Episode IX

The sudden death of the beloved franchise great Carrie Fisher left many in the Star Wars fandom stunned and saddened. Thankfully, it was well known that Fisher’s role in Episode VIII had already been filmed, but many have been wondering just how Fisher would be written out of the franchise since Disney had pledged not to use a CGI version of her much like they did for Peter Cushing’s Governor Tarken. Well, we now have the answer. She won’t be.

Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd and Brother Todd Fisher has confirmed that Fisher will make an appearance in Episode IX saying “Both of us were like, ‘Yes, how do you take her out of it?’ And the answer is you don’t,” said Fisher at the opening night gala of the TCM Film Festival in Los Angeles. “She’s as much a part of it as anything and I think her presence now is even more powerful than it was, like Obi Wan — when the saber cuts him down he becomes more powerful,” Fisher also said. “I feel like that’s what’s happened with Carrie. I think the legacy should continue.”

“She’s in [Episode] VIII, and we’re not changing VIII to deal with her passing,” said Disney CEO Bob Iger of the upcoming “The Last Jedi” movie. “Her performance, which we’ve been really pleased with, remains as it was.”

It seems that Disney plans to re-purpose deleted scenes from both prior entries to create her role for the final film in the new trilogy. However it is not known how, to what degree or if they will eventually kill her off in the last installment to correspond with her potential absence in any further movies.

My First Love Was Princess Leia

I think she was really the first love for most boys my age.  My wife didn’t seem to understand why I cried the first time I saw the trailer for Force Awakens.  I had to explain that for a creative type that when you were younger and you played with your Star Wars toys that you had to create new adventures because there weren’t any.  Then at 36 here it was.  The adventures were continuing.  They were real.  Everything my mind had made up as a kid could now be real.  It was everything I had wanted my whole life without realizing it.

Princess Leia of course played into that.  Seeing the original Star Wars trilogy when I did at 5 years old (or even before for all I remember) it bonded deeply to my soul.  Everything I did from then forward had Star Wars involved somehow even if it wasn’t apparent at first.  Somewhere in the back of my mind it would always be there in every interaction.  Even as a grown man I can’t pick up a flashlight without making the Lightsaber noise in my head when I turn it on.

But enough about that.  This is about Love right?  After watching what became A New Hope you immediately put yourself into the movie.  When you hear Luke says those words “I’m Luke Skywalker, I’m Hear To Rescue You.” you want to put yourself in that spot.  You want to be the one that is there to rescue the Princess.  You want to be the hero that blows up the Death Star.  I think that wanting to protect the Princess makes you fall in love with her.  Especially at 5 years old.  You immediately feel that protective bond.  Plus she’s pretty awesome.  You find out that she’s not just some damsel in distress.  And you find out later on she’s actually pretty bad ass herself.  But that first moment of seeing her on screen will connect with me forever.  I fell in love with her without even realizing what that was.  Of course when I got older it became about the gold bikini because I’m a man and puberty does awful things to your brain but at 5 that unabashed love was there.

Seeing her again in Force Awakens made me get butterflies in my stomach.  Seeing your first love again.  I know Princess Leia and Carrie Fisher are not the same but try telling 5 year old me that.  So when I read that she had had a heart attack I was sad and upset.  Waking up to the news this morning that Carrie Fisher had passed destroyed me.  Thank you.  For a long time you were my only hope.