Tag Archives: challenged

War of the Worlds: Preshow

Hey, we’re back for more! Did you miss us? We’re back from our hiatus and ready to talk about Season 33, War of the World, the cast, and predictions on format, speculating who wins and what potential alliances will form between the vets and the newbies. We’re glad to be back and ready to talk Challenge with everyone again.

Final Reckoning: Lavender is the New Black

It was supposed to be a quick episode, but it didn’t work out that way I guess. Alliances are picking sides as the teams dwindle in size. Cara and Marie have to fight their way out of a time deficit in the challenge, then fight for their place in the various alliances. We keep forgetting about the late comers Cory and Devin. Where are we placing our bets for the ultimate final winner of this show? With only a few weeks to go and a Redemption House still to settle, there may be too many question marks for us to figure this out.

Final Reckoning: Six Feet Under

Hey, it’s the first episode of a new season! We’re excited to see old favorites and dreading meeting new idiots. As usual, we cover the challenge, the elimination, and the drama. We disagree on Cara’s promiscuity but we’re all on board for the resolution to the fight we always seem to get initially. TJ is playing this game dirty and we learn a bit more about how dirty it’s gonna get.

Champs vs. Stars: Crossed Words and Mixed Signals

We’re winding down this season of Champs vs Stars and preparing for Final Reckoning. Wes shows what kind of mastermind he is and why he’s the greatest Challenge politician of all time. Louise and Casper face an uphill challenge to get to the final. Will they get there? I guess we’ll find out next week for the grande finale. Also they misspelled a word. C’mon MTV.

Interview: Derrick K.

Let’s be honest, our podcasts are not competitors, so we love having Derrick on a show other than Challenge Mania. Word of warning, this was quite late in the night and many drinks were had, leading to some distraction and some nonsense. Challenged Superfan Kelly interrupts this episode to give Derrick a foot massage which certainly didn’t help the distraction issues. Derrick was super cool, very outgoing and we’re thrilled to have this fan-favorite on the show.