Tag Archives: podcast

War of the Worlds: Preshow

Hey, we’re back for more! Did you miss us? We’re back from our hiatus and ready to talk about Season 33, War of the World, the cast, and predictions on format, speculating who wins and what potential alliances will form between the vets and the newbies. We’re glad to be back and ready to talk Challenge with everyone again.

Couch Pilots S16 Ep09: Time Out for Ginger

Have you missed Challenged yet? We’re still on hiatus until Challenge returns, but until then you can listen to Tim’s guest spot on Couch Pilots reviewing a failed pilot called Time Out for Ginger. Thanks to the Couch Pilot guys for inviting the Challenged Crew along on their flights and get everyone a dose of The Challenge during the hiatus.

Final Reckoning: The Finale Part 2

It’s finally the final episode of the finale! We go over the reunion, take your phone calls, and talk about offense language. We also go on a self-congratulatory segment about our 100th episode that happened several weeks ago. Thanks everyone for your support for our show, we definitely appreciate it. We’re going on hiatus but we’ll see you for Season 33!

Final Reckoning: The Finale Part 1

We thought this would be the last episode of Challenged this year, but (in TJ voice) we LIED. I guess we’ll be back next week. This time around we discuss the finale, Tim’s random run-in with a Challenge legend in an airport, and Hillary sits in briefly so chug that drink! We’ll be back next week to cover the 2 part reunion, and talk about our 100th episode and probably take more live calls.

Final Reckoning: The Walking Dead

We’re winding down to the finale with the final 5 teams. We get a shocking last challenge with trivia and everything. That’s trivia twice in a season! The final elimination of the season is curdled milk and cookies. We finally see the final 4 on their way to the finale. Next week is our last episode of the season, don’t miss it!

Final Reckoning: Always Sunny in South Africa

We’re getting near the end of this season, but we’re still bringing people back from Redemption for their last, final, no-nonsense chance at ONE MILLION DOLLARS! After 2 eliminations to see who comes back from Redemption, some teams are sent home and others move on to roll boulders up a hill in an “elimination challenge”. We still haven’t quite worked out why or how that’s different than a purge but we make our best guess. Another team is sent home. We go over some iTunes reviews and voicemails, too.

Final Reckoning: Scandal

Lots of switching between the Main House and Redemption House this week, and even with a Purge challenge and elimination we don’t see anyone go home. An elimination gets all the players frustrated, a nomination is hard to predict with the power vote and numbers that are close and could go either way. With just 2 episodes until the final, we hope to see them pick up the pace soon. Let’s send some people home and get to the final!

Final Reckoning: The Leftovers

Our longest show in Challenged history! Big drama this episode with Bananas pushing things a little too far and Devin paying the consequences. Flat pasta leads to a confrontation you wouldn’t believe. It’s TJ’s favorite challenge… TRIVIA! And we spend far too long going over voicemails from all sorts of celebrity fans of Challenged.

Final Reckoning: Lavender is the New Black

It was supposed to be a quick episode, but it didn’t work out that way I guess. Alliances are picking sides as the teams dwindle in size. Cara and Marie have to fight their way out of a time deficit in the challenge, then fight for their place in the various alliances. We keep forgetting about the late comers Cory and Devin. Where are we placing our bets for the ultimate final winner of this show? With only a few weeks to go and a Redemption House still to settle, there may be too many question marks for us to figure this out.

Final Reckoning: The People vs. Johnny Bananas

In a house divided, which alliances will survive? Zach and Amanda especially are torn between different alliances and it really makes their game pretty difficult. Another team is being pulled in two directions to sway the game. We get mercenaries, broken noses, and a game-changing tie breaker. Lots of game drama and very little relationship drama. The podcast is torn on if that makes this episode better or worse. We also review some voicemails left to us from the cast.

Final Reckoning: You’re the Worst

Drama drama everywhere. This episode draws some lines in the sand between Challengers we like and Challengers we can barely tolerate. The eating challenge ends in a predictable way, and a pair end up in Redemption to make amends. That goes about as well as you’d expect it to go in a reality show fueled by booze and anger. Back in the main house, we see other fights, more drama and more people who we’ve decided to hate. No nominations, no voting and of course no eliminations this episode. C’mon MTV.

Final Reckoning: Redemption House of Cards

*ch ch* REDEMPTION HOUSE. This week is all about the Redemption House and the Apocalypse that actually sends people home for once! CT tries his best to stay in the game, but maybe not as hard as Derrick tries. At this stage in the game, I guess you have to give it your best shot to stay in. They’re battling for a million bucks after all. *ch ch* MAIN HOUSE. No real elimination from the main house so it’s a bit laid back, but we end the episode with an eating challenge which is our favorite. Lots of puking and lots of fun! We go way off topic this week, which once guy on iTunes hates. So it goes.

Final Reckoning: Bro-ing Pains

It’s guy’s night, so grab your whiskey and cowboy hat and leave the women at home. We’re super efficient as we recap this episode but still cover a lot of ground. A nomination, a desperate Banana, a crazy elimination and a dramatic re-enactment of Paulie’s tweets that will hopefully make you hate him more than you already do. Also, how about a little back story on that Semester at Sea sweatshirt this episode? C’mon MTV, you can do better.

Final Reckoning: A Series of Unfortunate Events

We’re not thrilled about the pace of this season, but we’ll keep bringing you the latest ’cause we love you. Too much drama up in here, too many relationships to follow, and too many people throwing hissy fits. But it’s ok. We see a challenge on a train, we see Brad throw fits, Cara throw fits, Kyle throw fits, Shane throw fits… Are we seeing a pattern. Also, some roosters invade the hen house. All this and more on this amazing episode of Challenged.

Final Reckoning: Breaking Brad

Poor Brad deals with the bad news from the Redemption House, while the rest of the Challengers prepare for a Purge Challenge. We get relationship drama we don’t care about, team drama we’re too old for, and reminisce of the days when we used to get a challenge and an elimination in one week.

Final Reckoning: The Affair

It’s a shorter episode tonight due to an oncoming illness, but at least we have NyQuil is if beer isn’t on the menu. Of course we cover Paulie and the silly fight, Brad’s reaction to potential infidelity, and the process to get back into the house after you’re in Redemption. Four episodes in and we’re still learning how the game works and very few have been sent home. Brace yourselves for a long season everyone. We’re just getting warmed up.

Fear Factor: Challenge Edition

Today is a very special day for Challenged. Many lessons learned. We are joined by Fear Factor experts from Couch Pilots to discuss the latest episode of Fear Factor starring CT, Cara, Jordan, and Tori. We discuss the episode as well as get behind-the-scenes details from previous contestants on the show.

Final Reckoning: Six Feet Under

Hey, it’s the first episode of a new season! We’re excited to see old favorites and dreading meeting new idiots. As usual, we cover the challenge, the elimination, and the drama. We disagree on Cara’s promiscuity but we’re all on board for the resolution to the fight we always seem to get initially. TJ is playing this game dirty and we learn a bit more about how dirty it’s gonna get.

Final Reckoning Preview

Buckle up, kids. The third part of The Challenge trilogy starts July 10. To prepare, your favorite Challenge podcast goes over the new cast, pairs, talks about theories on potential formats. We steer clear of spoilers except for casting spoilers, so avoid this one if you really don’t want to know who is on the show or the partners/teams they are on.

Champs vs Stars: Bank Rollin’ in the Deep

Well, we made it. Another season finale. Who puts on frozen clothes the fastest? Who eats the most gross food? Do the dad bods stand a chance against professional athletes? All these questions and more are answered. Also our interview with Laurel seems to have made waves in the Twitterverse. But hey, those comments were taken out of context.