Tag Archives: couch pilots

Couch Pilots S16 Ep09: Time Out for Ginger

Have you missed Challenged yet? We’re still on hiatus until Challenge returns, but until then you can listen to Tim’s guest spot on Couch Pilots reviewing a failed pilot called Time Out for Ginger. Thanks to the Couch Pilot guys for inviting the Challenged Crew along on their flights and get everyone a dose of The Challenge during the hiatus.

Couch Pilots S16 Ep08: Zero Effect

Have you missed us on Challenged yet?  Well Bryan and Amanda got a chance to sit in on an episodes of Couch Pilots and if you are a fan of Amanda’s laugh you’ll get plenty of it this episode.




In this episode we are joined by @challengedGN co-hosts Bryan and Amanda and discuss the 2002 pilot “ZERO EFFECT” starring @Alancumming. This episode has tons of laughs and we dive into this failed pilot. Amanda giggles at diarrhea and Bryan hits his marks on Blake’s jokes. Come fly with us and enjoy the show.


The Boise Brothers starring Abram and Mike: A break from Challenged

We interrupt this regular podcast feed for an episode of Couch Pilots! Wolfie and Tim join the flight as the regular pilots review Boise Brothers, a failed pilot put together by Challenge contestants Abram and Mike to hopefully sell MTV on a reality show. The pilot failed, obviously, but that doesn’t stop us from talking about it. For more details or to subscribe to Couch Pilots, head on over to their website, http://couchpilotspodcast.libsyn.com/.