Tag Archives: podcast

Season 29 Episode 15: The True Champions

It’s finally the finale and we’re here to break it out. We review the final, our favorite contestants, challenges and eliminations of the season. This officially wraps up Season 29 of The Challenge and Season 1 of Challenged. See you all next week for Season 2.

Season 29 Episode 13 & 14: Math is Hard

We were out last week, but we make it up to you with this two-fer presenting the last 2 episodes. The Final begins, and as TJ says, it’s no joke. This episode we cover Nelson’s near death experience and Cory’s infinite disappointments.

Season 29 Episode 12: Caged

We finally see the end of the Underdog eliminations and say goodbye to our favorite Underdog. The Champs fight for their last chance to pad out their team bank account. We start our final Champ elimination, but as per usual do not finish it.

We’re out next week, but hang tight for the finale.

Season 29 Episode 10: Go Your Own Way

We finish the Bananas vs. Darrell elimination, and the Cara Maria vs. Laurel. The lesbian love triangle has been resolved but that doesn’t stop drama in the club. We watch the Challengers jump from inner tube to inner tube, but no eliminations. Next week: The Underdog Bloodbath.

Season 29 Episode 9: An Officer and a Gentlewoman

It’s a Champ elimination day, and the crew fights over a rope on a tilting platform to stay alive. A lesbian love triangle shakes up the house. An elimination is cut short and no one is sent home… yet.

The Awesome 80’s Podcast podshort for Rogue One. (Spoiler Heavy)

Last night, like so many of us at the GeekNerdery, I attended the late showing of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (in ultra realistic ultra 3 ultra D no less) with one Michael James Carlson, one of the fine gentlemen that runs The Awesome 80’s Podcast. Afterwards, we took to Steak N Shake and laid down our thoughts on the movie over steaks and shakes.  The bedlam that followed is below for your listening pleasure. 

Big thanks to Michael and Glen from Awesome 80’s for letting me back in the Co-Host game!


Horror Junk

Just a Drunken Zombie begat Geek Nerdery, Horror Junk begat Drunken Zombie. I think I’m using ‘begat’ properly there in that context.

10 years ago, 2 guys in their 20’s sat down, drank too many beers and discussed horror movies in front of a camera. The movie was then shared via YouTube and as a video podcast. It was popular for it’s time and a ton of fun to make.

As part of our 10-year-anniversary, here’s our very first episode.

The audio episodes were almost lost forever, but I managed to find most of them. If you’re feeling a bit nostalgic like myself and want to hear a hybrid of Horror Junk and Drunken Zombie, check out this episode.

For the others that I managed to recover, go ahead and grab them here.

Hold on tight for another Horror Junk surprise, coming soon.