Tag Archives: Ouija: Origin of Evil

TLH Episode 87 – Jessabelle and The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh

This week we take another look at some haunted house films with Jessabelle and The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh. Stay tuned for lots of discussion on Frightmare, The Comeback, The Survivor, The Rezort, The Blackcoat’s Daughter, Ouija: Origin of Evil, Dark Touch, Don’t Breathe, Ticks, Friday the 13th (2009), Chained, Occult Crimes, and Under the Skin.

Oh, and for your viewing pleasure…

As always, we welcome feedback at thelasthorrorcast@gmail.com and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 601-564-TLHP. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.

TLH Episode 75 – Blade Runner and Equilibrium

Welcome to the sci-fi episode of the podcast. This week we look at Blade Runner and Equilibrium. In addition, we discuss Ouija: Origin of Evil, The LEGO Batman Movie, Rings, Santa Clarita Diet, The Monster, and a bunch of random TV.

As always, we welcome feedback at thelasthorrorcast@gmail.com and on our Facebook page or leave us a voicemail at 601-564-TLHP. Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes.