Tag Archives: podcast

Champs vs. Stars: Crossed Words and Mixed Signals

We’re winding down this season of Champs vs Stars and preparing for Final Reckoning. Wes shows what kind of mastermind he is and why he’s the greatest Challenge politician of all time. Louise and Casper face an uphill challenge to get to the final. Will they get there? I guess we’ll find out next week for the grande finale. Also they misspelled a word. C’mon MTV.

Interview: Melinda

Melinda asked us to get a little weird with it, and we did. I think we made her a little uncomfortable, but that’s ok because she did the same to us. Or at least she tried. We haven’t seen Melinda on the show for quite some time, but we were still excited to meet her in person. We had a separate conversation before our interview that I wish we would’ve recorded but alas, this is all you get of the beautiful Melinda.

Interview: Nicole Z.

We weren’t sure what to make of Nicole exactly, but her over-the-top presence we see on TV made for quite the charming, interesting and exciting interactions we had at the Challenge Throwdown for the Cause event. She was very candid maybe a bit drunk for this interview, so prepare yourself.

Interview: Derrick K.

Let’s be honest, our podcasts are not competitors, so we love having Derrick on a show other than Challenge Mania. Word of warning, this was quite late in the night and many drinks were had, leading to some distraction and some nonsense. Challenged Superfan Kelly interrupts this episode to give Derrick a foot massage which certainly didn’t help the distraction issues. Derrick was super cool, very outgoing and we’re thrilled to have this fan-favorite on the show.

Interview: Jordan Wiseley

Thanks to Jordan for taking time out of his evening during the Challenge Throwdown event to talk to us about horror movies, his production company, his motorcycles and more. Unfortunately Tori D. wasn’t able to join him on this trip, or we could’ve helped figure out if that relationship has staying power. During the interview we definitely sort out why he and Laurel didn’t work out. We’re a podcast, but we’re also relationship counselors apparently. Some people insist their partners fold instead of crinkle.

Interview: Tori Hall and Ashley Kelsey

More interviews from the Challenge Throwdown for the Cause event in Yorkville! This time we sat down with Tori Hall and Ashley Kelsey. Ashley was the captain for Hillary’s volleyball team, so you could say we’re all basically best friends now. We ask a little about the Challenge, but also play a fun game of “would you rather?” and learn more about the Challengers in life after The Challenge.

Interview: Laurel Stucky

Thanks to Laurel for sitting down with us in Yorkville Illinois to answer some questions about The Challenge, but more importantly the shows she watches on Netflix. Forensic Files for life. We also touch on her episode of Fear Factor and her one elimination loss against the terrible Camila.

Champs vs Stars: Face Off Gloves On

No girls allowed! It’s just the men of Challenged tonight, and you know what that means. A short show, no notes, no prep work and lots of distractions. We talk Tori, Ashley, Aneesa and the drama involved with all of them. Wes tries and fails to start an alliance. Tony Time embarasses us all. We end on a bunch of drama that leads nowhere and accomplishes nothing. A typical Challenge episode.

Champs vs Stars: Rainbows and Storm Clouds

It’s a very special episode of Challenged with Hill’s first time hosting and a special appearance by a 5-year-old fighting bedtime. We may be distracted, but I think we do a stellar job of covering the Champs and Stars divisions and the game-within-a-game of this season. Who can trust these crazy Champs with all their shenanigans?

Vendettas: Czechmate

The remaining cast heads off to Prague to prepare for the finale. We see them dodge pylons and the stacked men’s team means we kick off some men in maybe unfair ways. The Troika is finally stacked with some females who save some men in a way you may not expect. We find out who the final 8 are that are heading to the final, but when is it and how long will it take? We’ll find out eventually.

Donald Trump (and maybe also Cambridge Analytica) have ruined Facebook.

We always knew that Facebook wasn’t the product. We were. Our information is used for advertisements, but maybe it’s also a bit more nefarious than that. With a relatively small pool of paid participants, Cambridge Analytica managed to get the data of 50 million Facebook users and used that information for extremely targeted, and false, advertisements which may have swayed the 2016 election. Facebook denies it impacted votes, but isn’t this a strange argument to make while trying to sell advertisements on the site? Either way, Facebook is bad and it’s Donald Trump’s fault.

Vendettas: Help Me Rhonda

We’re winding down in the season now, so the game is heating up. We see some Challengers stabbing each other in the back, others sticking with their alliances even though it means they’ll get thrown in. 2 people head home and the rest go to the Czech Republic, although we don’t know who until next week.

Is a Blue Wave approaching? Democrats may be poised to start winning. Hopefully.

I cannot believe I was on the edge of my seat watching a special election in Pennsylvania for an office that will only be held temporarily due to drawing new district lines. Despite all the GOP support, Trump’s campaigning, and millions in opposition, a Democrat beat the odds to win this deep-red district that Trump took by 20 points just 1 year ago. What does this mean for the future of the Democratic party and this rumored Blue Wave? We have no idea frankly, but it is fun to speculate.

Vendettas: It’s Britni Censored

Technical problems continue to plague the show, but don’t worry. We find a way to deliver a full episode. Devin is still coming down from his nirvana experience, but has a rude awakening and major disappointment. Natalie continues to play everyone’s game except her own, being a pawn that delivers the goods to the last person who holds her attention. And a previous love affair brings about some emotions when the mercenaries show up to take contestants out. Try to ignore the talk about Brad’s hair oils.

Chaos in the White House means chaos in America

What’s with this president* who can’t seem to hang on to employees? The list of high-ranking members of this administration who have been fired, quit or been indicted or pled guilty to crimes is too many to count. But that’s just staffing chaos. What about the constant stream of scandals? Stormy Daniels, Russia, Moron-gate, unenforced sanctions, and of course Twitter keep us constantly distracted and uneasy.

Vendettas: Rumor Has It

One of the greatest episodes of The Challenge ever! Alliances are crushed as friends have to make very tough decisions to advance their game. Rivalries are reinforced and everyone’s games gets shook. Mean girls are no fun, and MTV does not endorse bullying. It’s a long recap, so buckle up.

Everyone thinks Americans are dummies. Even most Americans.

I think it’s safe to say that our standing in the world has diminished since Trump took over the most important office in the land. All other countries think we’re idiots for electing him, and with his record-low approval numbers it seems like most Americans agree. This week we vent our frustrations about losing our standing in the world for the sake of nationalism and America First.

Vendettas: Baskets of Deplorables

We know Marie went in last week, but who is she going up against? Kam is a traitor and not good at this game, and you can feel free to tweet hatred at us for that comment. The rest of the crew plays some soccer wearing stilts and zorbs, and we see a classic vendetta come to a head. Why you gettin’ so upset? We’re down a podcast host and note taker, but we try our hardest. Cut us some slack.

Vendettas: Mercenaries of Mayhem

The mercenaries come in to wreak havoc on our poor Challengers while Kam does her best Fire Marshall Bill impression. A new challenge proves very difficult for everyone, with broken glass and stitches and ambulance rides galore.

Vendettas: Notes on a Scandal

WHO IS THE BLURRY FIGURE WHO LEFT THE NOTES? The world may never know, but that won’t stop us from speculating. We see a Challenge this week. It’s underwater and at night. But no elimination. Maybe one of these weeks we’ll see a full episode. This time around Shane and Victor are friends until they’re not, Britni and Cara make out, Nicole and Kyle make out, and our worlds are turned upside down.